
About us

The History of the Faculty

Building of the Faculty of Biological Sciences. Source: Archives of the FacultyThe Faculty of Biological Sciences (FBS) was established on the basis of the senate resolution no 218 of the University of Zielona Gora on February 28th 2007. The Resolution came into effect on September 1st 2007. The decision to set up the FBS was connected with the necessity of developing scientific research as well as educating in the scope of the biological sciences at the University of Zielona Gora. The aim of establishing the Faculty of Biological Sciences was to make an effort to meet the challenges of the contemporary science as well go the needs connected with solving the problems concerning the human and the quality of the natural environment. The history connected with establishing the FBS goes back to 1994 when the Institute of Biotechnology and Environmental Protection was appointed in the Higher Pedagogical College. The Institute had its modest registered office in Monte Cassino ST. 21b. At the beginning there were very few scientific and didactic team workers who made efforts to teach the Environmental Protection students. With the passage of time, both the didactic and scientific basis was developed. In 2007 the considerable part of the Institute was moved to the new building in Prof. Z. Szafrana St. 1 The internal organization of the Faculty and the development of the research personnel as well as the scientific material basis are changing dynamically. At the moment the Faculty of Biological Sciences consists of 5 units of the rank of the Department and 2 are distinguished ones: the Department of Molecular Biology, the Department of Biotechnology, the Department of Botany and Ecology, the Department of Nature Conservation, the Department of Zoology, as well as the Botanical Garden and Natural Museum - the Centre of Biodiversity.

The Didactic and Research Basis

Chem lab. Source: Archives of the FacultyThe activity of the FBS was begun on September 1st 2007. The autorities of the Faculty as well as the research workers made efforts to provide their students with the appropriate didactic base having been located in the new building A-8 of the University. All the lectures are being held in the modern, spacious lecture rooms with the use of the audio-visual equipment. A large part of the laboratories and seminars are being held in the new modern building. The attempts are being made to re-equip the lecture rooms and to enrich the didactic materials. One should remember that the Environmental Protection field of study was initiaded in situation when there were not any traditions in developing the biological sciences neither at the University of Zielona Gora nor at the colleges where the UZ derives from. The research workers at the Faculty with the tremendous amount of effort and personal commitment are trying to provide the students with the appropriate educational level and enrich the didactic basis. The Environmental Protection studies are very expensive. They require the special laboratories, expensive consumption of materials and exhibits. They are often gained by meands of personal contacts and the exchange with other colleges or research institutions as well as they are granted by different institutions and private sponsors. The building A-26 in Monte Cassino St. has been being renovated and the restoration work has been finished in 2010. The large part of the research-didactic basis at the Faculty has been localized there. The Botanical Garden is undoubtedly the chief asset. It server as good didactic basis for the Environmental Protection field of study (it concerns such subjects as botany and ecology of plants), especially the specialization in the greenery area arrangement. The Natural Museum, which is being set up nowdays, is going to play a similar role as far as the research about animals is concerned. The Research-Technological Park with the seat in Nowy Kisielin has been established by the University. It's realization will be finished in 2012. The Innovation Centre "The Technologies for the Health of the Human" has been established as part of the Research-Technological Park and the Faculty has been involved in its creation and activity. The Innovation Centre will be the place of the advanced didactics (the second and the third degree of the studies) and the scientific research in the field of the life sciences.

Fields of Study


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This project is co-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund, Program Operacyjny Widza Edukacja Rozwój 2014-2020 "Nowoczesne nauczanie oraz praktyczna współpraca z przedsiębiorcami - program rozwoju Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego", POWR.03.05.00-00-Z014/18